Programs on Social Media Impact & Cyber Safety
Cyber Safety Programs
Today our children are using the internet and social media in almost every facet of their lives. While the internet may make our lives easier and is beneficial in many ways it also comes with many inherent dangers that as parents we must familiarize ourselves with to protect our children.
Kids spend more than eight hours per day, seven days a week on electronic devices. This lecture is an eye-opener and will include tips to help live in the real world and less in the cyber world.
Ryan's story is dedicated to the memory of Ryan Halligan and for all young people suffering in silence from the pain of bullying and having thoughts of suicide.
This presentation will provide you with up to date information about the nature, extent, causes, and consequences of cyberbullying among adolescents.
Jeff is a professional teen and parent communicator and understands teens and their behaviors. Jeff’s popular messages include topics like violence, bullying, mental health, suicide, drugs and alcohol, respect, and choices.
CyberSafety works to provide parents with a broad education about the internet and its potential threats. The presentation covers popular trends in the use of email, text messaging, social networking sites as well as mobile phone media capabilities.
Today’s online communication is affecting our youth everyday. In this seminar, parents learned how to help children use social media in positive, safe ways.