A Touching Thank You From a Former Junior Police Academy Attendee

Chief James Batelli of the Mahwah Police Department recently received this letter from a former Mahwah student who attended the annual Junior Police Academy. This wonderful letter is a testament to our Mahwah Police Force, the Junior Police Academy and the fantastic effort put forth by all those involved.

December 5, 2016

Dear Chief Batelli,
My name is Jennifer Ellis, I attended Mahwah Police Department's Junior Police Academy the summers of 2005 and 2006. I am writing this to thank you for making this program available to the youth in the area. I believe attending the Junior Police Academy instilled values, discipline, and later on helped me to choose my career in law enforcement.

I have since moved from Mahwah to New York and graduated from the Orange County Police Chiefs' Association Police Academy this past August. I am now a full-time police officer in the City of Newburgh, recently released from field training. Thank you and all of your staff for making your program available to me 11 years ago. I am not sure that I would have made the same decisions through out high school and college if I was not exposed to your program and the endless possibilities this career has to offer.

I hope that you and everyone in your department stay safe in these trying times. Please know there are still people who appreciate everything the department does for the community.

Thank you again,
Jennifer Ellis

We're very proud of you Jennifer! Thank you for the kind words, and best of luck.

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