The MMA provides a liaison for addiction support, guiding individuals to resources for help.
The Mahwah Municipal Alliance (MMA) has worked hard to provide a reliable resource for people facing addiction or substance abuse issues in their families or social circles. If you are struggling with drug abuse or addiction, we urge you to take this important step and contact our liaison, Dana Romano. Just by calling Ms. Romano, you have the potential to not only save your life but also start a transformative journey toward recovery.
Call our community liaison today
Are you, or someone you know, struggling with addiction or abuse?
“We are excited to welcome Dana Romano as our community liaison. She is a well-known local voice in our community who will give residents a place to turn when they feel like they have nobody to speak with about the serious impact addiction and substance abuse has on their lives.”
As the community advocate for the MMA, DANA ROMANO will be available to residents by cell phone.
After speaking with callers, Ms. Romano refers individuals dealing with substance abuse to inpatient treatment centers to provide the necessary help and support.
Ms. Romano will also be able to step through many of the issues related to insurance coverage and placement in an in-patient facility. All communications with Ms. Romano are strictly confidential and there is no fee to residents for her services.
To learn more about Ms. Romano, click here
About Mahwah Municipal Alliance
Mahwah Municipal Alliance (MMA) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization aiding the community since 1985 with initiatives including the Mahwah Substance Abuse Program, anti-bullying campaigns and more. The MMA educates students and parents alike through programs, events, youth academies and partnerships with local organizations.