Empowering Young Women Through Motion! Designed for girls grades 4-8 to learn about gratitude, courage, confidence, and setting goals, while training for their first 5K!
Ryan's story is dedicated to the memory of Ryan Halligan and for all young people suffering in silence from the pain of bullying and having thoughts of suicide.
BULLYGUARD™ is a high energy, empowering seminar that educates children on what to expect from a bully and how to deal with it in a non-aggressive way, before it escalates.
Jesse’s Journey is presented by Maureen Morella, and her two children, Jesse and Tyler. Jesse, 19, suffered severe and irreversible brain damage after a drug overdose in November, 2004 and survives today as a quadriplegic confined to a wheel chair.
Jeff is a professional teen and parent communicator and understands teens and their behaviors. Jeff’s popular messages include topics like violence, bullying, mental health, suicide, drugs and alcohol, respect, and choices.
Dan Davis is an internationally known motivational speaker with a sense of caring and passion for life while confronting the conflicts and pressures that face students today.
Project Kid Care is a national child photo identification and safety education program that was developed jointly by Polaroid Corporation and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Gizmo D. Robot’s presentation to elementary students uses a highly interactive approach to drive home messages about making healthy choices in nutrition and physical fitness.
CyberSafety works to provide parents with a broad education about the internet and its potential threats. The presentation covers popular trends in the use of email, text messaging, social networking sites as well as mobile phone media capabilities.
The Mahwah Substance Abuse Program provides children with the skills needed to recognize and resist the subtle and overt pressures that cause them to experiment with drugs or become involved in gangs or violent activities.
The Red Ribbon Campaign helps present a unified and visible commitment towards the creation of a DRUG-FREE AMERICA. In Mahwah, it enables local D.A.R.E. officers to extend an anti-drug message down into the elementary schools.
Chris Herren is former NBA basketball player, motivational speaker, author and sobriety advocate who struggled with substance abuse for much of his basketball career.