A poignant PSA video titled "BREATHE" unfolds as a raw first-person short film portraying high school students grappling with the fear of legal repercussions when seeking help for a friend who has overdosed by dialing 9-1-1. The main message: resist the urge to panic or run away in this situation; call 9-1-1, stay, help, and give the victim a chance.
Matt Bellace, PhD: Supporting Teens in Reducing Their Stress (and Ours)
Recent research suggests that well-adjusted teenagers have stronger non-cognitive skills, such as self-control, grit and resilience. This program will focus on how Mahwah, NJ parents can help foster those skills in a supportive environment without arguing. Specifically, it will present techniques such as…
Supporting Children During a Pandemic: Trauma Informed Supports
Let's Get Practical With At-Home Learning
Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety (Film Screening)
Angst is an IndieFlix Original, documentary designed to raise awareness around anxiety. The film includes interviews with kids, teens, educators, experts, parents and a very special interview with Michael Phelps. The goal is to help people identify and understand the symptoms of anxiety and encourage them to reach out for help.