
The Winner of the MMA's 2021 Jeep Raffle

The Winner of the MMA's 2021 Jeep Raffle

CONGRATULATIONS to Elliott Feldman of Mahwah, NJ who held winning ticket #529 on Saturday 9/25 at Mahwah Day during the live 2021 MMA Jeep Raffle drawing!! We'd like to give a sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser this year from around the country, it's your support that allows us to provide our programs to our NJ/NY community!

The Winner of the MMA's 2019 Jeep Raffle

The Winner of the MMA's 2019 Jeep Raffle

CONGRATULATIONS to Abel Alvarez of Suffern, NY who held winning ticket #409 on Saturday 9/21 at Mahwah Day during the live 2019 MMA Jeep Raffle drawing!! We'd like to give a sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to our fundraiser this year from around the country, it's your support that allows us to provide our programs to our NJ/NY community!