A poignant PSA video titled "BREATHE" unfolds as a raw first-person short film portraying high school students grappling with the fear of legal repercussions when seeking help for a friend who has overdosed by dialing 9-1-1. The main message: resist the urge to panic or run away in this situation; call 9-1-1, stay, help, and give the victim a chance.
Substance Use Trends: Fentanyl, Tranq (Xylazine) and other Opiates
There are various addictive and dangerous substances that people in our community may access. This newsletter intends to highlight Fentanyl, Tranq (Xylazine), and Opiates which are substances causing serious health problems in the United States. People are now able to obtain these drugs via internet sources. This process only compounds the substance abuse crisis.
Narcan Training
Mahwah Municipal Alliance Hosts Narcan Training for Overdoses
Prescription Drug and Heroin Epidemic - Education Program
A dramatic increase in overdose deaths and the abuse of heroin and prescription painkillers have become an epidemic. In Mahwah, like other municipalities in New Jersey and across the nation, we are facing an urgent public health crisis in overdose deaths, and the abuse of heroin and other prescription pain killers.