Dying In Vein Program & Presentation a Huge Success
E-cigs: Vaping and the effects it has on your health.
A new strategy is necessary to inform people of the dangers of e-cigarettes and vaping and dispel the rumors that it is safer than cigarettes. The business model of marketing e-cigarettes to our youth is a multi-million dollar business that ignores the serious health hazards that are inherent with this habit.
Dying In Vein: The Opiate Generation - Viewing & Panel Discussion
Dying in Vein is a deeply personal exploration of opiate and heroin addiction through a cinéma vérité style that drops you directly into the lives of an addict in recovery, a couple trying to get clean, a family grieving the loss of their son, and an Emergency Room Physician trying to save one patient at time. Through these stories...
Mahwah HS Community Problem Solving Team Highlights Potential Dangers of Using Prescription Meds
The Winner of the 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Raffle
Social Media Dangers and It's Impact on Cyberbullying
Mahwah Municipal Alliance Appoints Dana Romano as a Substance Abuse Community Liaison
A Touching Thank You From a Former Junior Police Academy Attendee
Chief James Batelli of the Mahwah Police Department recently received this letter from a former Mahwah student who attended the annual Junior Police Academy. This wonderful letter is a testament to our Mahwah Police Force, the Junior Police Academy and the fantastic effort put forth by all those involved.
"Light the Night for Recovery" Memorial Quilt
Light the Night for Recovery is a community-wide event held in Bergen County, New Jersey recognizing and celebrating the gains made by those in Recovery. In acknowledging these strides and each person’s path toward Recovery it is important to remember our loved ones and friends who have lost his/her battle with addiction.